Call for Speakers & Workshops und Call for Activities (EN)

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We want to make the best out of the event in Soltau. And it is up to you to share your great ideas to become a speaker, workshop lead or activity master.

Call for Speakers

Choose a topic which you would like to talk about and make us curious about your upcoming presentation! We are looking forward to your suggestions from the fields of community, development, design, contributing, business, security and many more.

Call for Activities

We want to strengthen our community during the afternoons. Let us know, what you can imagine to do to achieve this goal. Anything goes – from jam-sessions, board games over wellness and health topics, physical exercise and/or relaxing activities – as long as it is not too strongly related to WordPress and daily work. We want to connect all attendees, designers and admins as well as bloggers and hard core developers.

Call for Workshops

You are working on an interesting project or want to help others interactively improve their skills?

This is your chance to introduce your workshop ideas. We’re ready for doing stuff! We will work on projects and overcome persisting issues together.


In the spirit of the event, we try to be flexible in terms of the length of our programme items. A classic talk should last about 40-45 minutes, workshops and activities can take longer.

Don’t hesitate, fill out the form now; the call for speakers & workshops and activities closes on February 18th, 2018.

Don’t let us down and share your brilliant ideas!

Our call for speakers & workshops has been closed.

Find out more about our special call for activities here.

WordCamp Retreat Soltau is over. Check out the next edition!